
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀

美国iWorx 动物生理仪器

价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2020-10-26 11:05

品  牌:iWorx型  号:

状  态:正常点击量:2464



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递


動物生理儀器 Data Acquisition and Analysis for the Life Sciences--iWorx, USA
iWorx provides integrated physiology teaching kits and a full range of advanced systems and components for physiology research.

iWorx IX-214 是***個堅固耐用且可信賴的四頻道數據紀錄系統。其外觀是由壓縮鋁***體成型,因此可避免學生接觸到這些內藏的控制和調整元件。在大部份的實驗中,設定是自動且簡單的。只需要點***下滑鼠就可把生理訊號收集記錄起來,藉由軟體強大的分析功能可以針對各種不同性質的實驗搭配不同的Transducers來做不同的分析,如:EEG、ECG、EMG...等等。IX-214內建了兩組針對EEG、ECG、EMG的Amplifier,另外有兩個頻道可以接受任何的Transducers來搭配您的實驗需求,此外也可接受pH meter、spectrophotometer、Blood Pressure...等等和其他實驗室儀器。
IX-214也包含***個功能完全的內建刺激器。此刺激器可以應用在各種不同的人類和動物實驗中。此外,IX-214是藉由USB和電腦相接。其可提供總共100kHz的sampling rate。這樣的頻率已足夠適用在各種不同的教學實驗中。

iWorx IX-118 是***個快速且高解析度的數據擷取系統,幾乎可適用於所有研究實驗室中所需要的研究資料紀錄。它提供八個類比輸入、八個數位輸出、四個數位輸入和兩個DACs。
類比輸出:iWorx IX-118提供兩個+/-10V的類比輸出(DACs)。每***個可以獨立設定程式也可以同步(synchronized)***起運作。每***個刺激的基本參數,例如pulse width、頻率和震幅都可利用軟體改變。標準的protocol包含了pulse、train和step waveform的設定。此外每***個標準的protocol都能在穩定的狀態下維持住電壓,因此很適合voltage clamping的應用。
iWorx IX-118以16 bit A/D conveter去取樣數據。任何的輸入訊號其雜訊都是少於1mV。這樣小的雜訊使得118能紀錄從10mV到10V的訊號而不需要另外的外部gain。
iWorx IX-118有提供八條數位輸出線。這些數位輸出connector是工業標準的BNC規格,所以不需要特別訂作。此外也提供四條數位輸入線可和外部trigger搭配使用。
iWorx IX-118是***個快速的紀錄器。使用單***頻道時能以每秒收集100K樣本的速度來擷取數據。在使用八個頻道下每***個打開的頻道能每秒收集10K的樣本。

iWorx ETH-256
iWorx ETH-256是***個常用的放大器可應用於***般目的的生命科學研究。它的高輸入阻抗和高CMR使得它能忠實地在低雜訊下紀錄生物電位如ECG、EMG和EEG。同時也可將來自strain gauge type傳導器的訊號如力量、位移和壓力輸出。
在50mA的電流下每***個頻道可以提供±5.0V的興奮電壓,而這樣的電壓能滿足各式常被使用的傳導器。此外客戶也可指定adapter cables和Grass、Gould或HP的感應器相容。
iWorx ETH-256提供八個gain設定包括×1、×5、×10、×50、×100、×500、×1000、×5000。訊號可以利用低和高頻通過過濾器來進***步處理。這些的頻率可以用面板上的按鈕來決定。高頻通過過濾器可用來測量生物電位,它可設定在DC、0.03、0.3、3四種不同的頻率。低頻通過過濾器通常用來限制高頻率的雜訊其有5、50、150、2000、10000Hz可選擇。
iWorx ETH-256的每***個頻道可以被當作是***個橋式傳導器放大器或是***個生物電位放大器來使用。在橋式模式中 iWorx ETH-256放大器的10G歐姆輸入阻抗和differential input使得ETH-256能接收來自力量、位移或是壓力傳導器所傳來的訊號。此外許多來自電熱調節器、pH電極和其它各種可變電阻裝置的訊號都可以輸入至ETH-256。
在生物電位模式下iWorx ETH-256可視作為***個低雜訊AC coupled preamplifier來記錄生物電位。此外iWorx有提供***個三導程的纜線和iWorx ETH-256相接,讓使用者可以用來測量ECG、EEG和EMG。

iWorx ETH-401
iWorx ETH-401是***種橋式放大器,它提供四個頻道的excitation power、gain和雜訊過濾。此外它展現出低系統雜訊和offset,使得它適合和高解析度的數據擷取系統***起使用。ETH-401可以做為***個介面將***些低頻寬的傳導器如測量力量、血壓和位移的Transducers和數據擷取系統如IX-118做連接。ETH-401上的gain control是非常簡單直接的。在DIN-8 connector中有***個已經設定好的電阻器來設定gain。iWorx傳導器會針對測量而設定ETH-401到***佳的gain值。然而這樣的設定並不會限制ETH-401和其它非iWorx的Transducers***起使用。許多非iWorx的Transducers可以修改和ETH-401***起使用。
iWorx ETH-401是***個本來就低offset的儀器。這樣的儀器和具有低offset的橋式傳導器再搭配高解析度的118數據擷取系統***起使用大大地將offset的控制需要減到***小。因為ETH-401是被鋁完整地封包,因此很堅固耐用也可增加對雜訊的免疫。同時它的體積小且底部有小的腳架,因此可以與不同的儀器堆疊起來減少實驗體積的需要。

iWorx AHK/HK 動物/人類生理訊號教學套組
iWorx AHK/HK 系列裡幫您搭配了各種不同實驗所需的相關Transducers,以及***系列的實驗手冊,使用者可以參考實驗手冊的步驟輕鬆的做出實驗。
iWorx 套組系列如下:
AHK/256NI Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching Kit for use with the 256 NI
AS/214 Add-On Animal Transducer Set for the HK/214 Human Physiology Teaching Kit
RPC-100 Add-on Respiration/Photosynthesis Chamber for the AHK/214 Combination Human/Animal Phsyiology Teaching Kit
HK/214 Human Physiology Teaching Kit
HK/256NI Human Physiology Teaching Kit for use with the 256 NI
PK/214 Psychological Physiology Teaching Kit
PS/214 Add-On Psychological Physiology Transducer Set for the AK/214 Human and AHK/214 Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching Kits
PK/256NI Psychological Physiology Teaching Kit for the 256 NI
STB-125 Add-On Student Tissue Bath System for the AHK/214 Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching Kit
AHK/214 Advanced Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching Kit

iWorx生理紀錄配件Transducers and probe
生理紀錄系統相關Transducers and Probe如血壓、溫度、呼吸計量器、張力計、血氧濃度計…等等,

SP04 Spirometer Use with iWorx 104, 204 and 214 interfaces for measuring respiratory flows and volumes.
TM-100 Temperature Sensor
A self-contained temperature transducer with a range of 0 to 50 degrees C.

BCL-100 The BCL-100 is a two color LED light source that provides visual cues of two different colors during the measurement of the visual reflexes of human subjects.

BP-100 Intravascular Blood Pressure Transducer Measures direct arterial or venous pressure in animals.

BP-600 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Sensor
Allows students to visualize the measurement of blood pressure.

BP-700 Blood Pressure Cuff with Stethoscope Standard blood pressure cuff, complete with cuff, inflation device, sphygmomanometer, and stethoscope.

DO2 Current-to-Voltage Adapter for Clark Style Probes
Converts the output of the ISE-730 Oxygen Electrode to a measurable voltage.

DO2E-100 Current-to-Voltage Adapter with Clark Style Oxygen Electrode Adapter includes one Clark style student oxygen electrode and a current-to-voltage adapter .

DT-475 Displacement Transducer Ideally suited for striated muscle studies in the student lab.

EM-100 Event Marker
A hospital-grade, hand-held, push button switch that connects directly to a transducer input or an iWorx amplifier or computer interface.

FT-104 Force Transducer
Rugged, student-grade force transducer built to resist both physical and electrical abuse.

FT-302 Dual Range Force Transducer A high sensitivity dual-range research grade force transducer designed to measure forces in the 0.005 to 10 gram and 0 to 100 gram ranges.

FT-325 Hand Dynamometer A student-grade grip force sensor useful in experiments involving the quantification of the strength of muscle contractions.

HS-100 Humidity Sensor
The HS-100 is a sensor for measuring the relative humidity in environmental chambers, plant growth chambers, model ecosystems, or the atmosphere.

HSM-300 Heart Sounds Microphone
High sensitivity microphone picks up heart sounds even through clothing and presents them to the transducer input of iWorx amplifiers or computer interfaces.

LS-100 Light Sensor
The LS-100 Light Sensor is capable of detecting light in the range of 400 to 700 nm making it suitable for experiments involving photosynthesis and other experiments where measurement of light intensity is desired.

NBC-300 Nerve Bath Chamber
Ideal for nerve compound action potential recording experiments in the student laboratory.

PHP-100 Impedance Adapter for pH and ISE Electrodes

PO2-100D Pulse Oximeter and Plethysmography Sensor
Measures blood oxygen saturation and pulse pressure using a dual-wavelength light transmittance based finger clip. It is designed for use with iWorx IX/214 Data Acquisition System.

PO2-100U Pulse Oximeter and Plethysmography Sensor Measures blood oxygen saturation and pulse pressure using a dual-wavelength light transmittance based finger clip. It connects to the USB bus of a Windows based PC and is controlled via built-in iWorx LabScribe v2.0 Recording Software.

PRH-100 Patellar Reflex Hammer Electronic percussion hammer for recording impact stimulation of the patellar tendon.

PT-100 Pulse Plethysmograph A rugged accelerometer used for measurement of peripheral pressure pulses and Korotkoff sounds and small animal respiratory activity.

RM-200 Respiration Monitor (Human) Monitors the relative depth and frequency of breathing. The measuring element is mounted in a belt that straps around the chest of the subject.

RM-200A Rispiration Monitor (Animal)
Monitors the relative depth and frequency of breathing. The measuring element is mounted in a belt that straps around the chest of the subject.

RM-204 Rispiration Monitor (Human) For use with iWorx 214 interface to follow the relative depth and frequency of breathing. The measuring element is mounted in a belt that straps around the chest of the subject.

RM-204A Respiration Monitor (Animal) Used with iWorx 214 interface to monitor the relative depth and frequency of breathing. The measuring element is mounted in a belt that straps around the chest of the subject.

RPC-100 Mitochondrial Respiration and Photosynthesis Chamber
A reaction chamber used with iWorx ISE-730 electrode for studying cellular respiration or photosynthesis.

SCL-100 Single Color Light Source The SCL-100 is an LED light source which, when connected to the stimulator output of an iWorx 214 Computer Interface, can be programmed as the trigger in determinations of visual reaction or eye-hand coordination times.

SMT-100 Striated Muscle Transducer
A flexible resistive element for use with iWorx Stimulus Isolator that can detect movements of the little finger resulting from transcutaneous stimulation.

iWorx teaching kits are complete teaching solutions, including rugged hardware, easy-to-use software, and professionally developed courseware compatible with the most popular physiology lab manuals.

iWorx advanced research solutions include high performance recording hardware, software, and components that accelerate tissue bath studies, hemodynamic research, cardiac electrophysiology, and other advanced research. In addition to data acquisition hardware, iWorx offers a full selection of signal conditioners, stimulators, transducers, electrodes, cables, and general-purpose laboratory equipment and accessories.

Teaching Tools
Human Physiology
Combination Animal/Human Physiology
Psychological Physiology
LabScribe Software
Web Based Labs
Web Resources

Research Tools
Cardiac Hemodynamics
Organ and Tissue Bath Studies
Isolated Perfused Heart
LabScribe Software

Cardiac Hemodynamics Research

Hemodynamics is the study of the dynamic behavior of blood as it flows around the heart, the lungs and the body. Pressure is generated in various parts of the heart as a result of this movement. These pressures can be measured and monitored through catheters whose tips are placed in the atria, pulmonary artery, or systemic arteries.

Hemodynamic studies require the measurement of pressure, flow, and electrical signals from the heart, and electrical signals from nerves, such as the vagus. iWorx has everything you need for research studies in hemodynamics, and associated studies in cardiac electrophysiology and cardiopulmonary function.

Unique Labscribe2 Software Saves Hours in Data Extraction Time
Using LabScribe's unique Regions of Interest and AutoMarking capabilities, you can easily record and extract data of interest, then export to your choice of analytical programs. Additionally, powerful built-in analyses; let you script custom routines using a choice of any scripting languages (including Matlab, Python, Dadisp Labview and even C++); or easily export data to Excel or other analytical programs. LabScribe's versatility saves hours in data extraction time.

QRS Complex of ECG

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Record and AutoMark the ECG, sending the calculations to the journal from where they can be exported easily to Excel or other analytical program for further analysis.

Blood Pressure Analysis, including LDEVP

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Record and AutoMark LDEVP, systolic and diastolic from a blood pressure curve, sending the calculations to the journal from where they can be exported easily to Excel or other analytical program for further analysis.

iWorx Features for Cardiovascular and Hemodynamic Recording

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Online Analysis
LabScribe2 software can calculate rate, systolic, diastolic and mean pressures, as well as dp/dt and integral from any raw data input in real time. All of the same functions can be applied offline, too.

Offline Analysis
All of the online functions can be applied offline. In addition, a series of functions applied from the Analysis window can be used to reduce raw data. Functions operate on a selection of data and return a single value, which can be written to the LabScribe2 Journal. Currently supported functions include: T1,Y1,T2,Y2,T2-T1 Y2-Y1, Maximum, Minimum, Maximum-Minimum, Mean, Mark, Count, Units, Standard Deviation, RMS, Maximum dV/dt, Minimum dV/dt, Mean dV/dt, dV1/dt, dV2/dt, Area, Integral, Absolute Value of Integral. Analysis window functions used in conjunction with the LabScribe2 Find command, can automatically analyze the entire record.

A unique Calculations Function allows the user to identify and make measurements from characteristic points of an ECG or blood pressure waveform.

The built-in stimulator allows delivery of a single, continuous, or train of pulses. Pulse durations, frequencies and amplitudes can be changed as the protocol is being delivered. The software also offers full control of digital I/O lines that can be used to count events, or control devices in the lab environment.

The LabScribe2 software allows you to easily convert voltage to real units, such as mmHg or percent for pressure or flow measurements, respectively. The display allows you to toggle between a preferred Y-axis scaling (between 40 and 140 mmHg, for example) and the best view as determined by the AutoScale feature. Alternately, you can zoom-in or zoom-out by factors of two with a single mouse click. In a similar fashion, X-axis scaling can be expanded or compressed by factors of two with a single click.

Real Time Annotations
While recording, you can mark your data with text messages. These marks are searchable and appear in the field of data to which they apply. Marks are time locked to the record and can be used to Go To any marked region of the data.

Data Reduction
Data can be analyzed and reduced in the Analysis window. Here, selections of data can be averaged and written to a report. For example, the software can be instructed to break the record up into five-minute pieces, determine the average systolic or average heart rate for the data in each segment, and write those values to a report.

XY Window
Any two channels can be displayed in XY format, online or offline. LabScribe2 software supports area measurements and segment slopes from such plots. And, of course, you can save the plots as pictures or text.

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All recorded data can be exported to either a text file or a picture (.png) making reports or posters much easier to create. Of course, you can always print your data from any window at any scale.

New NBK/214 Advanced Neurobiology Teaching Kit

The new iWorx Neurobiology Teaching Kit includes everything you need to conduct a comprehensive lab course that uses both extracellular and intracellular recording techniques to demonstrate important characteristics of excitable tissue.
The integrated kit includes:
iWorx 214 four channel computer interface with two built-in isolated biopotential amplifiers and a stimulator
ETH-3000 AC/DC extracellular differential amplifier with an input cable and a matching headstage
ETH-3100 intracellular electrometer with its own headstage and microelectrode holder
NBC-300 Nerve Bath Chamber
The latest LabScribe2 data recording software
Web-ready iWorx courseware in PDF, HTML, and hard copies

Learn more about the new NBK-214 kit, click here.
Order an NBK-214 kit, click here.
New NBK/214 Neurobiology Lab Manual

The new iWorx Neurobiology Laboratory Manual–Version 1 (P/N INBLMV1) is designed for use with the new NBK/214 Advanced Neurobiology Teaching Kit and provides a full semester of activities that teach students about the properties of excitable tissue, using both intracellular and extracellular recording techniques.
The experiments in the manual are designed to teach students about the properties of membranes and their potentials, action potentials, synapses, signal integration, synaptic potentials, ganglions, and receptor potentials. The manual also includes tutorials about the electrical circuits of excitable tissues and the instruments used to record from excitable tissue.
The manual is written for use with the new LabScribe2 data recording and analysis software, and it includes a tutorial experiment designed to acquaint users with the features of LabScribe2 that will be used in the other experiments in the manual.

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LabScribe2 Main Window
A recording of two compound action potentials (CAPs) displayed on the LabScribe2 Main window. These CAPs were triggered by a pair of suprathreshold stimulus pulses delivered in rapid succession. The stimulus pulses were far enough apart that all the fibers in the nerve fired a second time, as indicated by the amplitude of the second CAP being the same height as the first CAP. This result occurred because all fibers were out of their refractory periods.

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LabScribe2 Analysis Window
A recording of a compound action potentials (CAP) displayed on the LabScribe2 Analysis window. This CAP was triggered by a suprathreshold stimulus pulse. The values for the measurements taken from the CAP using the cursors and the functions are displayed in the Journal window next to the data display window.


