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Alzet 植入式胶囊渗透压泵

价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2020-11-11 13:20

品  牌:Alzet型  号:Alzet

状  态:正常点击量:2951



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递



• Alzet Osmotic Pumps 是体积只有胶囊大小的滲透压泵,可植入实验动物皮下或腹腔内, 直接或通过导管以 µl/小时 的速度持续准确地送出測試药剂,***長可达四个星期。
• Alzet Osmotic Pumps符合 USP 医疗用塑胶材料生物相容性标准,适合植入实验动物体內,针对特定部位給药,或將药剂用导管导入作用部位, 例如: 脊髓及颅腔内, 血管内, 肝脏, 脾脏及其它脏器和创伤处。


Rates & Durations
There are 12 models of ALZET Osmotic Pumps in 3 physical sizes, and a variety of release rates and durations.

ALZET osmotic pumps are miniature, implantable pumps used for research in mice, rats, and other laboratory animals. These infusion pumps continuously deliver drugs, hormones, and other test agents at controlled rates from one day to four weeks without the need for external connections or frequent handling. Their unattended operation eliminates the need for repeated nighttime or weekend dosing.
ALZET pumps can be used for systemic administration when implanted subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. They can be attached to a catheter for intravenous, intracerebral, or intra-arterial infusion. ALZET pumps can also be used for targeted delivery, where the effects of a drug or test agent are localized in a particular tissue or organ, by means of a catheter. The pumps have been used to target delivery to a wide variety of sites including the spinal cord, spleen, liver, organ or tissue transplants, and wound healing sites.
ALZET pumps have been used in thousands of studies on the effects of controlled delivery of a wide range of experimental agents, including peptides, growth factors, cytokines, chemotherapeutic drugs, addictive drugs, hormones, steroids, and antibodies. Due to the unique mechanism by which ALZET pumps operate, compounds of any molecular conformation can be delivered predictably at controlled rates, independent of their physical and chemical properties. A bibliography of pump work which has been documented in the scientific literature is available, as is information on the osmotic delivery mechanism of ALZET pumps.


在全球各地八千项生命科学实验研究中, Alzet pumps已成功的运送上百种药剂,包括蛋白质, 多肽, 生长因子, 基因研究及治疗中的Antisense 和 ***新的干扰RNA ( RNAi), 抗生素, 化疗药, 激素, 类固醇及其它短效期的化合物。特别在心血管疾病及神经系统疾病的研究中, 通过ALZET Osmotic pumps持续给药可以建立多种疾病的动物模型, 如高血压及Parkinson帕金森病的动物模型。
