
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀


价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2020-10-27 14:05

品  牌:欧米茄型  号:LDM485-P

状  态:正常点击量:2381



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递














LDM485是一款紧凑型RS-232至RS-485转换器,具有完整的电气隔离屏障和重型电气浪涌保护器。这些设备具有坚固的铝外壳,小到可以安装典型计算机设备的后面板,节省宝贵的办公桌和地板空间。光耦合器和直流-直流转换器提供隔离。RS-232连接通过公接头或母接头EIA 25针接头。RS-485的连接是通过方便的无焊螺纹端子实现的。


LDM485符合EIA RS-232和RS-485规范。在LDM485可以传输数据之前,主机RS-232端口必须断言数据终端就绪。当没有断言数据终端就绪时,LDM485的所有输出都是高阻抗的,允许在公共通信电缆上多点连接多达64个LDM485单元。详见图1、图3。请求发送和清除发送作为两个单独的线对通过RS-485端口进行。这些可用于全双工流量控制。在LDM485可以传输数据之前,必须断言数据终端就绪(DTR)。这通常由主机完成。在主机设备不能提供DTR信号的情况下,可以使用RLSD自动断言DTR。在每个LDM485的RS-232接头P1上,只需将RLSD针脚8连接到DTR针脚20。此连接不适用于多点安装。



Complete Isolation with Optical Couplers and Power DC-to-DC Converter

Industrial Surge Protection Devices

Six LED Diagnostic Indicators

19.2K Baud at 3 Miles (5KM), 57.6K Baud at 0.5 Miles (0.8KM)

Request-to-Send, Clear-to- Send Handshake

Tri-State Outputs for Multidrop Applications, up to 64 Devices

Selection of Connectors

Wide Operating Temperature Range

Solderless Screw Terminal Field Connections

The LDM485 is a compact RS-232 to RS-485 converter which features a complete electrical isolation barrier and heavy duty electrical surge protectors. These devices feature a rugged aluminum enclosure small enough to mount the back panel of typical computer equipment, saving valuable desk and floor space. Isolation is provided by optical couplers and a DC-to-DC converter. The RS-232 connection is through male or female EIA 25-pin connectors. The RS-485 connections are made through convenient solderless screw terminals.

The LDM485 series is designed for full duplex operation over two-wire pairs. Outputs are tri-state, allowing multidropping of up to 64 units. Hardware handshake is available over two separate wire pairs. Data rates are DC to 57.6k baud. Six diagnostic LED indicators are provided (see Figure 1) for installation guidance and system troubleshooting. The RS-232 interface supports Request To Send, Clear To Send, Data Set Ready, Received Line Signal Detect, and Data Terminal Ready. A convenient null modem switch is provided for the data lines. Also, a line termination switch connects a line termination resistor and line bias resistors to the RS-485 receive lines. The RS-485 interface supports Request To Send and Clear To Send on separate wire pairs. The LDM485 may be used to convert two sets of send and receive channels by using RTS and CTS circuits as the second data channels. Data rates are the same. The units use 12VAC from a wall-mounted transformer to screw terminals 1 and 2 on the RS-485 connector. Alternately, they can use ±12VDC to pins 9 (+) and 10 (–) of the RS-232 connector. 

The LDM485 conforms to EIA RS-232 and RS-485 specifications. Data Terminal Ready must be asserted by the host RS-232 port before the LDM485 can transmit data. When Data Terminal Ready is not asserted, all outputs of the LDM485 are high impedance, allowing up to 64 LDM485 units to be multidropped on a common communications cable. See Figures 1 and 3 for details. Request To Send and Clear To Send are carried through the RS-485 port as two separate wire pairs. These may be used for full duplex flow control. Data Terminal Ready, DTR, must be asserted before the LDM485 can transmit data. This is normally done by the host computer. For situations where the host equipment does not have the capability of supplying a DTR signal, RLSD may be used to automatically assert DTR. On the RS-232 connector P1 of each LDM485, simply connect RLSD pin 8 to DTR pin 20. This connection is not appropriate for multi-drop installations.

