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LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025 Dwyer德威尔 倾斜开关探头

价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2020-10-28 10:57

品  牌:德威尔型  号:LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025

状  态:正常点击量:2014



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递


LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025 Dwyer德威尔 倾斜开关探头

LTS系列倾斜开关探头能够探测到是否存在材料,由于振动的存在,其它传感器是无法探测到的,也可用于当墙面无法安装其它测量装置的场合。该探头被设计用于探测那些暴露的或敞开的散装材料。应用于大型漏斗,筒仓,破碎机,卸料机,堆垛机的高低位探测,以及检测输送机的堵塞的情况。LTS 系列探头也可用来检测带式输送机是否存在散料,产品在斜槽上的流动,并用于火车或卡车的装载。



The Series LTS Tilt Switch probes are able to sense either the presence or absence of material when other sensors won't work due to bin vibration, or actual walls aren't available for mounting other types of measuring units. The probes are designed for use where the bulk material to be sensed is exposed or open. Typical applications include high or low level detection in large hoppers, silos, crushers, or trippers, high level control under stackers, and detection of plugged conditions at conveyor transfer points. Series LTS probes can also be used to detect the presence or absence of bulk material on belt conveyors, on chutes to indicate product flow, and to aid in loading rail cars or trucks.

All probe models are airtight, dust tight, and waterproof. The compact probe should be used for applications involving small bins and hoppers where space is limited, while the heavy duty probe should be used for applications where a heavy duty abrasion-resistant probe is necessary.


LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025 Dwyer德威尔 倾斜开关探头


介质: 粉末和散装料

温度范围: -40到 150°F(-40 到66°C)

开关类型: SPST, 常闭

电气等级: 0.25A最大,60V最大,3VA最大

电气连接: 16-2型SO连接电缆

电缆长度: 3ft (0.9 m) 除非另有说明

探头长度: 标准型: 9? (23 cm); 紧凑型: 6? (15 cm)

信号电压: 15 VDC

活动角度: 25度与垂直方向

材料: 钢或316 SS

开关外部: 环氧包覆

安装方位: 垂直

重量: 标准型: 4.75 lbs (2.15 kg); 紧凑型: 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg)

特色: 挂钩装配

外壳等级: NEMA 4


LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025 Dwyer德威尔 倾斜开关探头

LTS-N11G/N21G/N12G/N22G-025 Dwyer德威尔 倾斜开关探头


介质: 粉末和散装料

温度范围: -40到 150°F(-40 到66°C)

开关类型: SPST, 常闭

电气等***: 0.25A***大,60V***大,3VA***大

电气连接: 16-2型SO连接电缆

电缆长度: 3ft (0.9 m) 除非另有说明

探头长度: 标准型: 9? (23 cm); 紧凑型: 6? (15 cm)

信号电压: 15 VDC

活动角度: 25度与垂直方向

材料: 钢或316 SS

开关外部: 环氧包覆

安装方位: 垂直

重量: 标准型: 4.75 lbs (2.15 kg); 紧凑型: 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg)

特色: 挂钩装配

外壳等***: NEMA 4

