
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀


价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2020-10-29 09:07

品  牌:欧米茄型  号:LDI-619-600-A010S

状  态:正常点击量:1000



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递



The LDI-619 Series LVIT (Linear Variable Inductive Transducer) position sensors from OmegaTM are contactless devices designed for factory automation and a variety of industrial and commercial applications such as motor sport vehicles, automotive testing, solar cell positioners, wind turbine prop pitch and brakes, and packing equipment. With their compact device, rugged stainless-steel construction, superior performance, and excellent stroke-to-length ratio, the LDI-619 sensors are ideal for both industrial testing, laboratories, and OEM applications.




0至10V输出,12至30V输入,最大35 mA;

4至20 mA(3线)输出,18至30V输入,60 mA最大75°C(167°F最大)

测量范围:2.5至900 mm(磴“至36”)满刻度






振动:5至20赫兹,0.5“p-p;20至2000赫兹,4.2 g p-p

冲击:1000 g,11 ms

终端:IEC IP67





Contactless operation Prevents Wearout from Dithering or Cycling

Excellent stroke-to-length ratio

Rugged 19 mm (0.75") Diameter stainless steel housing

Field adjustable range scaling

Wide Choice of Range: 15 to 750 mm (?” to 30") Full Scale

Designed to Operate Under Adverse Temperature, Vibration, Shock, and Humidity Conditions


PV Solar Cell Positioner

Wind Energy Systems

Packaging Machinery

Motorsport Vehicles

Automotive Testing

Factory Automation

OEM Test Stands

The LDI-619 Series LVIT (Linear Variable Inductive Transducer) position sensors from OmegaTM are contactless devices designed for factory automation and a variety of industrial and commercial applications such as motor sport vehicles, automotive testing, solar cell positioners, wind turbine prop pitch and brakes, and packing equipment. With their compact device, rugged stainless-steel construction, superior performance, and excellent stroke-to-length ratio, the LDI-619 sensors are ideal for both industrial testing, laboratories, and OEM applications.

LDI-619 sensors are offered in 15 full scale ranges from 15 to 900 mm (? to 36"). Calibration and set-up is simplified with one wire field programming feature, this provides the ability to match the end points of the sensor's analog output with the ends of the range of motion of the assembly to which the sensor is attached. This feature permits a user to optimize the position measuring system's resolution over its full range of motion.

LDI-619 products come with axil exiting cable & a M5 x 0.8 threaded end for installation.


Analog I/Os:

0 to 10V output with 12 to 30V input, 35 mA max;

4 to 20 mA (3-wire) output with 18 to 30V input, 60 mA max 75°C (167°F max)

Measuring Range: 2.5 to 900 mm (?” to 36") Full Scale

Linearity Error: ±0.15% of Full Scale Output (FSO) typical, ±0.25% max

Resolution: 0.025% of FS

Update Rate: 300 Hz nominal

Operating Temperature: -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F)

Temperature Coefficient: 0.015% of FS/°C

Vibration: 5 to 20 Hz, 0.5" p-p; 20 to 2000 Hz, 4.2 g p-p

Shock: 1000 g, 11 ms

Terminations: IEC IP67

Humidity: 95% RH, non-condensing

Housing Material: Stainless steel
