
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀

电子行业德国贺德克HYDAC电子温度开关 EDS344-2-016-000

价  格:询价

产  地:上海更新时间:2024-11-29 11:30

品  牌:其他型  号:

状  态:正常点击量:2130



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递






蓄能器技术:        皮囊式蓄能器、活塞式蓄能器、隔膜式蓄能器、各类减振器等。
流体过滤技术:      各类液压、润滑过滤器、滤油车、真空脱水车、油品检测仪。
工艺过程技术:      特殊介质过滤器、自动反冲洗过滤器。
电子测量技术:      压力、温度、流量检测开关、传感器及显示器、故障诊断仪等。
冷却技术:          油/风冷却器、水冷却器,各类冷却装置,供油泵。
液压控制技术:      液压方向、压力、流量控制阀、比例阀、球阀。
EDS344-2-016-000 32只 EDS344-2-250-000 32只
EDS344-2-400-000 32只 EDS344-3-016-000 20只
EDS344-3-250-000 20只 EDS344-3-400-000 20只
EDS345-1-016-000 12只 EDS345-1-250-000 42只
EDS345-1-400-000 16只 EDS346-1-250-000 7只
EDS346-2-016-000 10只 EDS346-2-250-000 10只
EDS346-2-400-000 10只 EDS346-3-016-000 12只
EDS346-3-250-000 12只 EDS346-3-400-000 12只
EDS3346-2-0016-000-F1 15只 EDS3346-2-0250-000-F1 15只
EDS348-5-016-000 15只 EDS348-5-250-000 36只
EDS348-5-400-000 15只 EDS1791-P-016-000 8只
ETS1701-100-000 27只 ETS4144-A-000 5只

TFP100+S.S 73套 HDA4445-A-250-000 12只
HDA4445-A-400-000 12只 HDA4745-A-250-000 13只
HDA4745-A-400-000 13只 HDA4744-A-250-000 10只
HDA4744-A-400-000 10只 HDA3840-A-250-124 18只The electronic temperature switch ETS 1700 is used mainly together with the temperature probe TFP 100, which was specially developed for tank mounting. The 4-digit display can indicate the actual temperature, one of the switching points or the maximum temperature. The maximum temperature indicates the highest temperature which has occurred since the unit was switched on or was last reset. The 4 switching outputs can be used to control heating and cooling processes in hydraulic systems, for example. These 4 switching and switch-back points which are independent of each other can be adjusted very simply via the keypad. For incorporation into monitoring systems (e.g. with PLC) an analogue output (4 .. 20 mA or 0 .. 10 V) is also available.
4-digit digital display
Simple operation with key programming
4 limit relays, switching points and switch back points can be adjusted independently
Analogue output signal selectable (4 .. 20 mA or 0 .. 10 V)
Many useful additional functions
Optional mounting position (pressure connection on the top/bottom, keypad and display can be turned through 180°)


