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瑞士Lyncee Tec SA数字全息显微镜DHMR1000 series/T1000 series

价  格:询价

产  地:瑞士更新时间:2020-10-20 13:38

品  牌:Lyncee tec型  号:DHMR1000 series/T1000 series

状  态:正常点击量:2239



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递



Measurement technique:测量技术digital holographic microscopy in reflection (R1000 series)transmission (T1000 series)数字全息显微法反射或传播
Image types:图像类型intensityquantitative phase contrast images强度和数量对比图片
Light source:光源single wavelength laser source单波长激光光源
Sample stage: 样品台manual 3 axis x, y, z travel with25mmtravel 手动调节3个轴 X,Y,Z,可调节25mm可选:更大的调节范围
optional: larger travel ranges可选:软件控制管理2&3轴
optional: software controlled motorized 2 & 3 axes
Camera:照相1392 x 1040 pixel, 8 bits
Available objectives:有效物镜1.25x, 2.5x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 63x, 100x可选:长工作距离物镜,油浸物镜
optional: long working distance objectives, oil immersion objectives
Objective mounting:物镜装配single dovetail mounting,  2 objective slider4 objectives turret 单镜装配,2个物镜滑片或者4个物镜小塔。
Computer:电脑PC with latest Pentium?最新奔腾?电脑Windows XP Professional?系统优化配置DHM,1280 x 1024像素processor with Windows XP Professional? optimizedconfigured for DHM with monitor19, 1280 x 1024 pixels
Software:软件Lyncee Tec所有Koala软件,基于C++ 和 .NET技术。用于Window XP?. 3D表面形貌学的阶跃高度和粗糙度测量。Lyncee Tec proprietary Koala classic software based on a C++.NET technology for Window XP?. 3D surface topography, profilometry, step heightroughness measurements
Optional working modes:可选工作模式垂直扫描和频闪观测模式vertical scanningstroboscopic mode
Vertical resolution (*):垂直暂时temporal: 0.2° (0.2nm in air)
空间spatial: 0.6° (0.6nm in air)
Vertical digital focusing range:垂直数字调焦范围50倍深度(取决于物镜)50x depth of field (objective dependent)
Vertical measuring range:垂直测量范围最大达到光滑样本深度up to depth of field for smooth samples
最大达到340nm(更大需要使用垂直扫描模式)up to 340nm (higher with optional vertical scanning mode)
Lateral resolution (**):侧面由物镜决定:油浸物镜为300nmobjective dependent: down to 300nm with oil immersion objective (1.4 NA)
Field of view:视觉区域由物镜决定,可达到4.40mmobjective dependent up to4.40mm
Spatial sampling:空间取样像素1024 x 1024 pixels (hologram全息图)
Image acquisition rate:图片获得比率实时镜像:real-time imaging: 15 英尺/秒fps (512 x 512 pixels), 4 fps (1024 x 1024 pixels)
重建延迟:postponed reconstruction 15 fps (1024 x 1024) (可选至10000optional up to 10000 fps)
Sample illumination:样品照明最低down to 1μW/cm2
Maximum sample size:样品最大尺寸高*宽H x W:200mmx123mm(R1000 series)
50mmx150mm(T1000 series)
Working distance:工作距离物镜决定从0.3-20mm,由物镜决定objective dependent from0.30mmto20mm
Sample reflectivity (R1000 series)样品反射率最低小于1%down to less than 1%
Grabbing time:抓拍时间单一镜像抓拍小于1μsdown to less than 1μs in a single image grab (no scanning mechanism, no phase shifting)
Power requirement 
Input voltage:输入电压85-260VAC - 50/60Hz
Power requirements:电源要求小于less than 120W
Dimensions & weight 
Microscope:显微镜尺寸:L x W x H: 500 x 500 x737mm& 42.8 kilos (R1000 series)
400 x 400 x500mm& 34.5 kilos (T1000 series)
(*) The vertical resolution is defined by the accuracy for phase measurements (in degrees). Temporal resolution is defined by the temporal standard deviation for 1 pixel. Spatial resolution is defined by the 2D standard deviation measured for one acquisition over the entire field of view.
(**) As for classical optical microscopy, the transverse resolution is defined by the numerical aperture of the microscope objective.


瑞士Lyncee Tec SA公司的数字全息显微镜“DHM(Digital Holographic Microscopy)是划时代性的高科技技术产品,科学史上第***次, 数字全息显微镜可以直接观测到纳米尺度的分辨率,即时得到样品三维型貌,并且是无接触式的无损测量。
DHM 1000 Family将波长630nm的半导体激光分成照射到试料的光和参照光两部分来使用。共包括两大品种,***种是试料反射光与参照光进行干涉的“R1000 series”,另***种是试料透过光与参照光进行干涉的“T1000 series”。照射到试料上的光线与参照光产生的干涉图案使用CCD相机,作为数字数据保存下来,由此算出三维数据。计算三维数据时使用的是专用软件“Koala Software”。

其主要应用是在MEMS研发中用于测量工作,以及在生产线用于缺陷检测。与上述用途中现在经常使用的共焦显微镜相比,在同行分辨率下能够更高速地进行测量。垂直方向的分辨率为0.6nm,水平方向为200nm~300nm(取决于物镜)。使用1.25倍率的物镜时视野为4mm×4mm,可以15视野/秒的速度进行测量。因此,1cm见方的试料几分钟即可完成观察。使用现有共焦显微镜时,同等范围的观察则需要几个小时~10小时。 此次的产品***大可将观察速度扩展至1万视野/秒。由于摄影速度快,因此不需除震台,可用来检测流水线上的产品。
ü         材料科学
ü         MEMS/MOEMS 微型词典系统
ü         Micro-optics 显微光学
ü         Semiconductor 半导体
ü         Nanotechnology纳米技术
ü         生命科学
ü         Cellular biology 细胞生物
ü         Biochips生物芯片
ü         Bio-sensors生物传感器
